“My biggest pleasure in donating is in knowing that just one person
may share my joy in reading. LVM allows me to touch
someone I may never meet in such a deep and elemental way.”

Your donation
is tax-deductible
and can be made
or by mail to:

101 Federal Street
Suite 1900
Boston, MA 02110-1861

Make a donation

Nearly 1,000 adults each year depend on LVM’s free tutoring services so they can learn to read, write or speak English. Your support can have a great impact:

  • $1000 sponsors an 18-hour tutor training for 15 volunteers;
  • $750 provides individualized tutoring for an adult for 1 year;
  • $400 provides essential training materials for 15 volunteers;
  • $250 provides 15 books for the resource library used by tutors and students during tutoring;
  • $100 provides an interview and assessment for 1 student.
  • $50 provides training materials for 2 volunteer tutors.
  • $25 provides 1 book for the resource and lending library used by tutors and students during tutoring.
Other ways to donate

Matching gifts: You can double your donation’s impact if your employer has a matching gift program. Please remember to ask your employer for a matching gift form, follow the instructions provided and submit the completed form with your contribution to LVM. Remember that some companies also match gifts from retirees and spouses.

Memorial gifts: Donations can also be made in memory of a loved one. Please send your instructions for a personalized acknowledgement when you send your donation.

In honor of: Donations can be made in honor of a special someone or special occasion. Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or holidays by sharing your commitment to LVM with others. Please send your instructions for a personalized acknowledgment when you send your donation.

Stock gifts: LVM accepts gifts of stock. To discuss a stock gift in more detail, please contact Roberta Soolman, LVM Executive Director, at 617-367-1313.

Pledges: Your gift can be made in pledge installments.

Wish list: Donations of goods and services are an important way to contribute to LVM. We need computer equipment (no more than 3 years old, please!), office equipment, supplies and furnishings. We also need donated services, products and gift certificates for our events.